Monday 18 February 2013

How To Heal Acne And Skin Problem - Mike Walden

No girl or woman who would be indifferent to the way it looks. And as to her question about what is acne skin - this is primarily reflected in the psychological condition that can lead to depression, isolation of complexes. An unstable hormonal function causes the formation of acne, pimples, that's what acne skin.

The disease usually occurs in people 15 to 20 years and goes with age, but there are times that of an adult female acne skin occur and then the reasons may be more serious: the stress that activates the adrenal glands, the use of medications containing halogens, various issues related to women's health.

This disease of the sebaceous glands with the appearance of inflammatory nodules in red which are painful like acne, as well as painless black spots – blackheads; these processes occur on the face, neck, chest and back. What is acne skin and how it arises? Experiencing these symptoms of acne as a result of blockage of the sebaceous glands, so for people with acne-prone skin is the first aid - is enhanced hygiene and face neck.

Since the accumulation of excess sebum and dead skin horny scales leads to an inflammatory process especially for people with oily skin types. Oily skin with acne requires special care cosmetics and medical treatment, or it may be severe disease that is very difficult to cure, and it leaves behind numerous scars. Appearance of acne on the same areas of skin is often a sign that in the body there are any problems.

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